YUM! I love muffins. I especially love healthy muffins. Although they do have a lot of fat and sugar in them, I still snuck in vegetables so I am happy.
We had a busy day today, Kai has preschool on Saturdays and we are hunting for a new (to me) vehicle and we have company coming to stay with us this weekend so it's been crazy trying to get everything done. They boys also had their first Hip Hop dance lessons today. How cute is 10 3-5 year olds trying to dance? loved it. But on our way home is a famers market so we decided to check it out.
Kai loves grocery shopping, he loves weighing different foods, smelling them, tapping them etc. As soon as we drove up he started demanding that we find a watermelon and grapes. I was hoping to find something super inspirational... like purple carrots or candy striped beets. something to tempt me to make a beautiful plate of.. well.. something. The market was ok, not much is in season so almost everything was imported (sometimes I fantasize about living on the 100 mile diet) or hot house grown.
I did find some pretty foods though. As you can see most of this is fruit. Even the eggplant is actually not a vegetable (it's a berry!). But as I have said before, fruits and vegetables are one food group and I'm not going to sweat the small stuff.
It really was a rainbow of food. I love fresh produce,especially the dark purples, and how it makes me feel healthy just to stand beside it! haha. But now that I have this wonderful abundance.. what to make. The first one is easy.
Zucchini muffins! I haven't made them in forever but have always loved them. I hope to have full reviews tomorrow but for now it is safe to say that Perrin is a fan (he actually made them.. with a little direction of course). They were absolutely fantastic! now that Perrin and I approve, can we get Kevin and Kai to try them? that will be the challenge. The only changes I made were I used 2% milk & pumpkin spice instead of sour milk and the other spices.
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